
the time has come the walrus said...

That little poem from Harriet the Spy always comes to my mind when I think of something ending. Harriet sitting on the stairs crying as she hears her parents firing Gully. And then they recite it together...
The time has come the walrus said
To talk of many things
Of ships and seas and ceiling wax
Of cabbages and kings
Of why the sea is boiling hot
And whether pigs have wings
Another time of ending has come for me. Another chapter in my life is closing but as usual I'm not quite sure I'm ready to say goodbye.

This past year I had the honor and challenge of being the president of L'amifidel, a social club here on campus. It was not the easiest thing I've ever done. I don't think I was fully prepared for how much work or how emotionally trying it would be. Having to overcome criticism and constant complaints from various girls in the club was very discouraging at times. I started the year back in September so excited and with so many ambitions for our year as a club. RUSH went amazingly well, we actually had the largest RUSH class overall. I was pumped. I knew that I was going to be able to do great things with such a large number of girls.

Things went well, and I guess I am really good at being oblivious to people talking about me (I hinted at that in my previous posts regarding friendships). As the year progressed, I started becoming aware of frustrations girls were having about club and of course, being the worrier I am, I blamed myself. I know that it's not possible to always please everyone. Especially a group of 50+ females. I talked with our sponsor, Audrey, and my vice-president, Kendria and they helped me work through the issue and I started to regain my positive attitude toward club.

Well, now that my "reign" is coming to a close, I realize there are so many more things I want to do. I am also look back over the year and thinking about all the things I could've done differently and in my mind "better". Hindsight is always 20/20. I'm not ready to let it end. These past couple of weeks next year's president, who happens to be Kendria, has started doing a few "presidential" type things, and I've started to get jealous. I am so excited that she is going to be the president, I couldn't have picked a better girl for the job next year. But this little piece of me is still hanging on to it, wanting a chance to do it again next year. Wanting to be able to show everyone that I have so much more to give. I will be involved as an officer again, this time as historian. I chose to run for that one because I wanted involvement without having a lot of work cause I know that nursing stuff will be really trying next year. That's also why I am so shocked or maybe reluctant to admit how I'm feeling about not being more involved next year. I know that I won't be able to give my all to either of the tasks if I try to do both.

So, a bittersweet ending to a roller-coaster year. I look forward to next year with eager anticipation and I will be praying for all our new officers and for the potential rushees we will have. Our club is still in a precarious time of growth. And I'm ready to be a part of it again for a third and final year.

The time has come the walrus said...

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