
and all at once i realize

Okay, I've made my decision...
As I sit here not working on my powerpoint for Race and Ethnicity class about Asian American cultural influences on modern American society I've come to the realization that I might as well tell people this blog exists. So what if they think what I'm writing it dumb, or maybe it offends a few people a little. But it's what I think, and I shouldn't be ashamed of my thoughts.

I'm texting the url to a few select folks as soon as I hit post...


  1. awesome. i'm in full support of knowing your thoughts better. ha. and its your blog! (your study!) so i'm glad you've seen through all the criticism of blogs and fears of posting that there's a cool release to know you shared something deep (or not so deep ha) that may not have come out any other way.

    Don't stop being you.

  2. I love your blog! Never feel that you have to post things a certain way or that people will be offended...it's your blog, so do what you want. If people are offended, they shouldn't read it, plain and simple. That's always been my philosophy regarding my blog!

    Welcome to the blog world.

  3. i like your blog. it is a good one because it is about you and you are a good person.

    write whatever you want, when you want it, about anyone you want. that's how it should be.
