
For Starters

I've wrestled with the idea of starting a blog for sometime now. I'm not a very open person. The thought that people might see me as inadequate or a failure terrifies me. I guess I just don't know how to be okay with the fact that I am a human being and with that comes a lot of screw ups.

I have recently been trying to confront some of my flaws or peculiarities. Some of these instances I hope to be able to share through this blog later on. But one of my biggest ones is that which I stated earlier about being vulnerable. I have been challenged by some of my friends and I have decided to rise to the occasion.

I'm not going to make any claims about blogging everyday or making sure to update with every interesting event that takes place in my small world, but I can say that when I do write I will be writing about the things that really matter to me. I've used my various journals in my life as my release. I write in them when I'm about to bust with emotion; whether it be happiness, anger, confusion. I liked the feeling of security I had with the journal. "For My Eyes Only"

A blog is not for my eyes only...It's for the world wide webs eyes. Emphasis on the world wide.

So, with some Death Cab playing in my iTunes on shuffle, here goes nothing...

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